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Update Back Track 5

Update and upgrade your BT5 (R1) installation

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install beef

Verify that you are running a 3.2.6 kernel:

name -an
Linux bt 3.2.6 #1 SMP Fri Feb 17 10:40:05 EST 2012 i686 GNU/Linux

Apt Commands

apt-get install Downloads and all of its dependencies, and installs or upgrades them.
apt-get remove [–purge] Removes and any packages that depend on it. –purge specifies that packages should be purged.
apt-get update Updates packages listings from the repo, should be run at least once a week.
apt-get upgrade Upgrades all currently installed packages with those updates available from the repo. should be run once a week.
apt-get dist-upgrade [-u] Similar to apt-get upgrade, except that dist-upgrade will install or remove packages to satisfy dependencies.
apt-cache search Searches packages and descriptions for .
apt-cache show Shows the full description of .
apt-cache showpkg > Shows a lot more detail about , and its relationships to other packages.
man apt Will give you more info on these commands as well as many that are in less common usage.

dpkg commands

dpkg -i Installs a package file; one that you downloaded manually, for example.
dpkg -c Lists the contents of a .deb file.
dpkg -I Extracts package information from a .deb file.
dpkg -r Removes an installed package named
dpkg -P Purges an installed package named . The difference between remove and purge is that while remove only deletes data and executables, purge also deletes all configuration files in addition.
dpkg -L Gives a listing of all the files installed by . See also dpkg -c for checking the contents of a .deb file.
dpkg -s Shows information on the installed package . See also apt-cache show for viewing package information in the Debian archive and dpkg -I for viewing package information extracted from a .deb file.
dpkg-reconfigure Reconfigures an installed package
man dpkg Will give you more info on these commands as well as many that are in less common usage.
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